We assign a clean score to every item we create. It's a pretty simple calculation - we add up the percent of recycled, upcycled, natural, or biodegradable materials that were used in the fabric. We're proud to report that our overall clean score is 81% for this collection. Some pieces even have a 100% clean score. We are working towards all our products being made from 100% clean materials.
The illustration below represents some of our products that score a 92%
Recycled Polyester is produced by taking landfill and ocean-bound PET plastic (water bottles! and breaking them down into small chips that are heated and spun into yarn. Recycled polyester can use up to 50% less energy consumption than virgin polyester to produce. Water usage is also significantly decreased during production. Unfortunately, recycled polyester cannot be continuously recycled making it a temporary solution to our problem. Our promise is to continue to search for cleaner materials in this dirty business.
Our regenerated nylon is produced from items like discarded carpets and recovered fishing nets. These items are given new life by being turned into yarn, which we use to create ALWRLD products. Recycled nylon has all the same performance qualities as virgin nylon, plus it can be continuously recycled.
SeaCelI LT is a sustainable raw material made from seaweed and wood. The natural materials are washed, dried, and ground into a powder that is added into a solvent containing water. The solvent goes through a washing and retting process, after which the solution is filtered and spun into yarn. SeaCell'LT is produced using the Lyocell method which is a closed-loop system with no chemical released waste. The harvesting of the seaweed is a selective, gentle, and sustainable process. Seaweed is organic, biodegradable, skin-friendly (does not cause irritations), and provides a super-soft comfort.
Wool is a natural, renewable, and biodegradable fiber that has a long lifespan and can be recycled. Our wool comes from sheep that deliver a new fleece harvest twice a year. We only select vendors that value and care for the wellbeing of the sheep, ensuring this eco-friendly process is also cruelty-free. Another benefit of wool is that its temperature regulating and naturally moisture wicking,making it a smart and clean choice for us.
We believe in sourcing organic cotton which is grown using methods and materials that have a positive impact on the environment, the farmers, and surrounding communities. Organic cotton is grown without GMO seeds and toxic pesticides which helps protect the land, farmworkers, and community water systems from poisons. Cotton is known to be a thirsty crop when it comes to water, but organic cotton practices rely heavily on green water (rainwater and water stored in the soil). Organic cotton can be recycled and will naturally break down and biodegrade overtime.
The biodegradable yarn we use is the first of its kind. With an enhanced polyamide formula, it allows clothing to decompose after being preperly discarded in an anaerobic landfill environment. Our yarn will take around 5 years to biodegrade in a landfill compared to the 5500 years for synthetic materials! This technology keeps the durability and quality of nylon intact while you use it, offering a soft touch, easy-care, and an eco-friendly solution at the end of its life. To us, biodegradable products that turn into harmless organic matter in landfills are the future.
ALWRLD has a current "B Corp Pending" status with B Labs and is actively working towards B Corp certification. We arerfully committed to this process and the values that the B Corp community stand for, and are active in our efforts to produce garments that not only provide performance style and comfort, but also reduce the impact on our planet and its, scarce resources through responsible sourcing of recycled and sustainable materials and producing them in an eco conscious manner.
At ALWRLD we use the Higg Material Sustainability Index (MS) tool. The MSI is the most extensive and thorough tool that exists currently to measure the environmental impacts of materials used in the fashion industry. It provides us a standardized method of measuring the sustainability for our fabrics. We use this third party evaluation, to accredit the Clean Score value that we assign to each garment that we create. For ALWRLD being sustainable is a journey of responsible and ethical decision making, that will allow us to improve each and every day.